Starting New Habits

“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”

John C. Maxwell

Habits are funny things. We don’t always notice them, but they shape our lives in monumental ways. Whether it’s brushing your teeth before bed, making your morning coffee, or the route you take to work, habits form the scaffolding upon which we build our daily experiences. But what happens when you realize that some of your habits are limiting you rather than elevating you?

Yesterday, I found myself feeling emotionally drained and spiritually disconnected. I took that emotional weight to my front porch and had a conversation with God. I poured out my heart, asking for guidance and clarity.

Today, I had an epiphany.

As I sat sipping my morning coffee, I thought, “What if I made this a habit? A morning coffee date with God.” A sacred time to sit quietly—outside, if weather permits—and just talk to God. Share my dreams, my worries, and my gratitude. This simple act felt like a revelation. And so, I am committed to doing it for the next 30 days and sharing my journey here.

Would you be willing to set a chair at your table each morning for God, even if you have to wake up 15 minutes earlier to do so? To invite the divine into your daily routine and have a heartfelt conversation? I would be absolutely thrilled if you joined me in making this a new habit.

The Transformative Power of New Habits

When you decide to form a new habit, you’re setting the stage for transformative change. New habits act as a catalyst, propelling you into new opportunities, relationships, and levels of success that you’ve only dreamed of. In my journey over the past three years, I’ve come to appreciate the immense power habits hold. Shedding the old, unproductive ones and embracing new, uplifting habits has been nothing short of a life-changer.

In fact, the first book I was part of was called, “1 Habit for Entrepreneurial Success” and it served as a pivotal turning point in my career. The process of contributing to that anthology allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals, fostering relationships that opened doors to incredible opportunities.

New habits may begin as tiny adjustments, but their impact can be monumental. Take, for instance, my shift from watching television every night to investing that time in reading self-help books or online courses. A few years back, I noticed that my evening TV habit was more of a mindless escape than a true relaxation method. So, I decided to swap the remote for a book or an enriching online class. The difference was like night and day. My mindset began to shift, and doors opened—both professionally and personally.

Just like that life-changing transition, this new habit of a morning coffee date with God only takes a few minutes of my day but promises spiritual grounding, emotional clarity, and a renewed sense of purpose that may uplift my entire day and transform my life.

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